Pop the bubbly, we’re celebrating!
We're celebrating…
Actually, I'm celebrating and I'd love you to join me!
It's officially birthday week!
Welcome back, I'm happy you're here.
Can we all agree every baby is worthy of love, comfort, food and shelter?
Ok, good. Glad we're on the same page 😉.
At some point in my life I felt unworthy and undeserving. I can't tell you exactly when it happened. At birth I was deserving of it all (crying to get attention, in getting my needs met) and as an adult I knew/felt deeply that I wasn't deserving of having what I wanted. I was quiet and accepted it as is.
While I “thought” I believed I was worthy, my actions screamed otherwise.
Growing up, I loved my birthday. It was the one day I felt comfortable asking for what I wanted and making sure I got it. Pancakes or French Toast for breakfast and Manicotti for dinner. That was the extent of my asking, for fear of causing a stink.
I can't tell you when I learned/taught myself to stay quiet, and that asking for what I wanted was “causing a stink”.
My inner dialogue :
What's the point in asking, I wont get it anyway.
I look ungrateful when asking for more or for something different.
Asking draws attention. Noone likes an attention seeker.
This is a common theme with my clients. They share their frustration with wanting something and thinking they'll never deserve it. (Spoiler alert: They reclaim their worth working with me!)
I started to ask them; at what age their worthiness expired?
It doesn't happen overnight.
On the first day of my coach training the leader held up a crisp $100 bill. She proceeded to crumple it, rip it, step on it and yell at it. Each time she asked us how much the bill was worth. The $100 bill can choose to believe it's no longer valuable because it's wrinkled and dirty. Or the bill can think “I am worth $100 regardless of my wrinkles and dirt.”
One of the many gifts I've received on my spiritual journey and from working with a coach is knowing- I am worthy! If I can unlearn every harmful thing I taught myself (or inherited from past generations), I believe you can too.
What are three things people love about you, you struggle to see?
How can you start to believe the value they see in you?
My BIRTHDAY invitation for you:
Bring to mind someone you love, like or dislike:
Is there a Tuesday's with Joey (blog) that they “should” read?
If you wanted to forward a TWJ in the past, what stopped you?
Are they struggling to see their potential, repeating the same unhealthy patterns?
Send them my way! ; )
I kept saying “I wish I could coach for free” and here I am, sharing all my tools and it brings me so much joy. My heart bursts open every time you show appreciation for my emails/blog and how they get you thinking and showing up differently.
Vulnerability Alert:
I currently have 167 people on my mailing list. (Part of me feels shame for this low number and part of me feels pride for this high number!) I appreciate every one of you! I'd love to invite you to forward one or two of my newsletters/blogs to a few of your friends, family and coworkers. If you find value, let's hope they will too. (Archived Tuesday's With Joey)
Initially I was going to aim for a total of 250 subscribers by next week. If I were coaching myself, I'd wonder why I'm starting so low. Why not aim for 500. I look forward to telling you how many of your amazing friends, family and coworkers join us.
Thank you in advance.
Do you envy confident, courageous people?
Do you struggle with asking for what you want?
Schedule a free curiosity call to find out more.
Your future self will thank you!
To stay up to date, subscribe to my newsletter to receive these weekly in your inbox.
Happy Birthday to me (on Thursday 5/26!)
Thanks for reading! I look forward to seeing you next time.
With so much gratitude,