Do you think you can convince me to…
Welcome back, I'm happy you're here.
When I was first certified as a coach, I took a sales and marketing course, specifically designed for coaches. One of the modules discussed possible objections people might have during the consultation, teaching techniques to overcome those objections. I struggled in this module. It felt like they were telling us to convince prospective clients why coaching will be great for them, even though they don't have “enough time or money”. Convincing clients to say 'yes' to me.
I ultimately had a shift, seeing that the intention was to help me show clients that by working with me, they are saying 'yes' to themselves.
Here's the deal, when someone is trying to convince me to do something, almost everything in me is going to shut down and put my guard up.
I don't want to have to convince anyone to do something. I want them to want to do it.
The way I think of it:
In convincing energy-
“OMG, you need to get this sweatshirt, you would love it. It has a hood to keep you extra warm and a pouch to use as a pocket. This green color would look so good on you.”
Embody energy-
“I love my new sweatshirt. It's so cozy. When I get my migraines, I put the hood over my eyes, it cuts the light and it helps me feel like I'm in a cocoon. I love sneaking a crystal in the pouch and I love this color green.”
Seeing how much I love something, can be a bit infectious. Maybe you don't typically wear hoodies and hearing me rave about mine, piques your interest. When I'm trying to convince you, I have no idea if you like hoodies or the color green.
It can be confusing because our excitement for something may come off as convincing, unintentionally. We are passionate about something and therefore think everyone else will be.
When I'm on a consult (or a date) and they bring up an objection, “I don't have the time right now”, I thank them and trust when the time is right, they know where to find me.
My only intention on a consult (and in life) is to walk the walk. Coaching changed my life and I'm happy to tell people about it. Coaching and dating can be interchangeable here. I'd much rather be on a date with a guy who is showing me how amazing he is and not him telling me how amazing he is and why I should go out with him again.
I'm choosing trust.
I trust that the people who want to be in my bubble, as clients, friends or dating, want to be in my life because they see my light. I don't need to convince them how awesome I am.
My invitation for you:
Bring to mind a recent time you were trying to convince someone:
Why is it important to you that they do it?
How could you approach it from a place of sharing your love for it and leaving it there?
What do you make it mean when they don't do it?
How did you feel the last time someone tried to convince you to do something?
I've read countless self help/personal development books and would often tell friends “you should read this, it was so good” and this morning I texted a podcast to my coach saying “I really enjoyed this episode.”
If you have any questions about my coaching journey, ask away. Like I said, I love talking about it.
Schedule a free curiosity call to find out more.
Your future self will thank you!
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Thanks for reading! I look forward to seeing you next time.
How can I convince this daisy to be a sunflower?
With so much gratitude,