My life changing experience.
Welcome back, I'm happy you're here.
As I sit here, contemplating how or where to start, I feel disconnected from a previous/younger version of myself. I'm wanting to take you back, back to a time when I was lost, and felt like a robot, going through the motions. I'm struggling to tap into what this younger version of me was feeling and thinking. What I do know is that she didn't think too highly of herself and she was quite the pessimist.
A friend loaned me “You Can Heal Your Life”, by Louise Hay, which became one of the pivotal moments in my spiritual journey. She teaches self love and how to validate ourselves.
I had a hard time accepting compliments from others, and acknowledging my successes. I feared that it meant I was conceited.
Thanks to Louise Hay, I learned to love myself and see how fucking incredible I am. No matter how often my friends and family told me, until I believed it myself, their praise was falling on deaf ears. I remember telling a coworker that I'd date myself, realizing I have some really great qualities that I was looking for in a partner.
A client was talking about how he feels irrelevant. I could hear that he's looking outside of himself to feel relevant. He's hoping family, friends and coworkers remind him that he's important and needed. He struggled to answer my question of how relevant he feels to himself. I shared an analogy with him that I share with all my clients…
Imagine you're walking through the desert, you're feeling weak, out of water and dehydrated. You're searching for anyone to hydrate you and bring you back to life. When you finally see someone, you are dependent on them for your survival.
Now imagine yourself walking through the desert, with an infinite supply of water and electrolytes. When you cross paths with someone who offers you water, you are in a position to accept and put in your reserves, but you don't need it for survival.
Learning to validate and love yourself builds confidence!
Confidence and a knowing that you are worthy!
When wanting respect from someone:
practice respecting yourself more
practice showing them more respect
When you are done feeling invisible:
practice seeing yourself in a new light
practice letting others know you see them
When wanting your time respected:
look at your own relationship to time and what you make a priority.
My invitation for you:
Bring to mind a feeling or gesture you're waiting to receive from someone.
Why are you wanting this from them?
How can you create that feeling within?
How can you give away what it is you are wanting?
When I get my migraines, what I'm wanting is to be comforted. I stopped looking outside of myself for comfort and found ways to comfort myself; weighted blanket, rocking chair, chocolate…
When I receive comfort from someone, it's a bonus!
Are you ready to know your worth?
Are you ready to release the need for others' approval?
Are you ready to build your confidence?
Schedule a free curiosity call to find out more.
Your future self will thank you!
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Thanks for reading! I look forward to seeing you next time.
With so much gratitude,