I Waited 8 Months For This!

The last concert I went to. Lucero April 2023


Do you ever deny yourself something that would bring you childlike joy?


Yeah, me too!


It's been 8 months since I've been to a concert.

I LOVE seeing my favorite bands play.

Time stops when I'm at a concert. 

My life is put on hold until the show is over!

Live music was one of the few things I missed during the pandemic.

And I don't go nearly as often as I'd like to. That's all on me.


“Joey, if you love them so much, why don't you go more often?” - you.

“Good question! I don't know.” - me.


I make a lot of excuses.

I've skipped shows that I had a ticket to. 

(I definitely regret missing a few of those!)

“I don't want to drive to the other side of town during rush hour.”

“I'm too comfortable at home, I don't feel like leaving.”

“My body will hurt tomorrow from all the standing.”

“I don't want to pay THAT much for a ticket.”

“It's already been a long day.”


When I was 18 I drove to Santa Cruz to see Ben Harper play and now I complain about driving to downtown LA?!?


I can be so ridiculous sometimes. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Thanksgiving table. Because this is prettier than the photo of the sweet potatoes I made.


I thought of an analogy the other day, let me know if it resonates…


I love sweet potatoes. If they are on the menu, 97% of the time I'll order them. It doesn't matter how they are prepared, I'm sure I'll love them!


Picture this: With a smile on my face and a pep in my step, walking into a restaurant with you, I say “I can't believe we're here, I've been dying to try their famous sweet potato dish for months. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.” We sit down and I order something else, something less appealing and definitely less mouth watering. To be clear, not because I changed my mind, but because... I don't know why. (I have a hunch, but we don't need to go into that right now.)


I've spent my whole life doing this.

Making excuses for why I can't have or don't want what I actually really want.


I'd like to put an end to this habit.

I've been practicing ordering the 'sweet potatoes!'

I've been asking myself what I want and then buying it for myself or going after it.


Last month Ticketmaster emailed me about some shows they thought I'd be interested in. They were right. I bought tickets to Typhoon in March and The Menzingers was Sunday night.


I had sooo much fun.

The energy in the theater was electric!

Everyone coming together for the same reason, the love of music. 

You can see it here.


I couldn't help but ask myself “why would I choose to stay home instead of being here?!?”


It's a big leap, but I think buying those tickets was the appetizer to having the confidence/courage to buy my car. I had to start somewhere.


Today I was tested by the Universe…


Actually, this is the last concert I went to. The Menzingers Dec. 2023


I got an email from Damien Rice. They released a few extra tickets for his sold out show tonight. I thought about going when I initially saw he was coming to town but I wasn't fast enough. My excuses slowed me down.


This was my chance.

It's been about 10 years since I saw him perform, who knows when he'll be back?!?


I opened the link to see what was available. The seats were disappearing before my eyes. If I wanted to go, I had to buy the ticket right now. There was no time to think about it! (Or justify why I shouldn't go.)


I said “fuck it” and hit the purchase button, spending more than I would have a few months ago. And then the excitement and joy kicked it.


“I'm going to see Damien Rice!” I thought, with a smile on my face!


Two concerts in three days, the old Joey is back!


The test from the Universe was to see if I was serious about getting what I want, going to more shows.

Are my words and actions aligning?

They are!! This time, at least.


My friend, when you set a new boundary or declare what you want, the universe will send you a little test to see if you really mean it. When you pass the test, (finally say 'no' to working on the weekend, buy the thing you've been eyeing) new and exciting opportunities seem to appear, kind of congratulating you. At least, that's how I like to think of it.


My invitation for you:

Bring to mind something that brings you childlike joy:

  • How often do you allow yourself to enjoy it?

  • What excuses are you making to deny yourself this?

  • What are you waiting for? What if it never happens?

Lately, in making a decision, I put myself in the future:


How would I feel after the thrill of the concert vs

How would I feel if I stayed home, knowing I missed a great concert?


Are you ready to figure out what you WANT and feel excited about having it?

I'd be honored to support you!


Do you have questions?

You can schedule a curiosity call here

It's a friendly conversation, with no strings attached.

I created a free worksheet to help people figure out their core values and how to apply them in their every day life.


Thanks for reading! I look forward to seeing you next time.

With so much gratitude,


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I’m A Hypocrite!