I Have Commitment Issues 😬

There is a family of Owls in the Palisades. I was in total awe when I saw them!

I think I have commitment issues.

I've been thinking about this for quite a few years.


I don't want to have commitment issues.

I want to be able to make a decision and feel good about it.


What I think is at the root is that if I say Yes to something today, I might miss a “better” opportunity later. So I continue to keep myself available, just in case.


Tucked deep down is also probably the fear of being disappointed.


This week I confronted that fear.


Let's rewind for a minute: For the last couple of years I've been subbing at my friend's preschool for two year olds. As the Fall of 2022 was approaching, they asked if I wanted to teach a class (for the whole year.)


I said No for a couple of reasons:

  • The part about working for myself that is so appealing means I can get up and go whenever I want, taking coaching calls from around the world.

  • Between you and me, I semi worried that if I officially worked there part time, people would think I had to take the job because coaching wasn't going well.

  • I didn't want to feel stuck for a whole year.


What I've acknowledged since then:

  • While I like the freedom to get up and go, I'm typically not a spontaneous person. I still get up and go, accommodating it around my schedule.

  • After learning about my Human Design, being a Manifesting Generator, I am a multi passionate person who always likes to be busy. I need side hustles to keep me engaged and stimulated.

  • It doesn't matter what other people think.

  • I don't feel stuck when I like where I am, what I'm doing and who I'm with.


So… while I said No to their offer in the fall, some might think I said Yes for how often I'm there 😉.


In the event I was asked again for this fall (which I was secretly wishing), I wanted to be prepared on how I truly felt, how I'd answer.


What I ultimately realized is that I am saying No to things in the present for a lifetime of possible 'what if's' in the future. I'm not in the future, I'm in the present.


All we have is now.


Listening/watching the trash truck drive through the alley. The highlight on Monday's.

I'm choosing to say YES to something that brings me joy NOW and if something “better” comes along, I will deal with it then.


I took it one step further, advocating for myself, and told them what I am available for, instead of waiting for them to ask or tell me their preference.


I spent most of my life accommodating others. This is me making my wants/needs a priority. If you want me, this is when you can have me.


In the past, with work or relationships, a part of me was seeking possible approval/validation and so I said yes always, putting my sanity, I mean my wants and needs aside to keep them happy.


Before hitting publish I had a coaching call. My client is having a similar experience, yet kind of the opposite. 


How do we know when it's time to end a commitment? If advocating for ourselves is unfamiliar, it can feel scary the first time we do it, inviting fears of being greedy and selfish or the fear of rejection. I wrote about that here.

Are you ready to feel this kind of joy?!?

Lately I've been calling myself a fairy godmother. I think it's kind of funny, but it's how I feel, swooping in and making people's lives a little easier and lighter. I've also been calling myself a professional problem solver.


If you know anyone who is looking for a fairy godmother or professional problem solver, send them my way. They will be forever grateful to you!


Something to ponder:

  • How often do you say 'No' to something you want now, for the possibility of something better later?

  • What brings you joy that you fear people will judge you for?

  • When was the last time you advocated for yourself and how did it feel?

My friend, are you ready to declare what you want? It's time to take a deep breath, in and out, drop the weight of the world from your shoulders and spend more time doing the things that put a smile on your face! Believe me, you'll thank me.


Not sure what you want? You can schedule a curiosity call here

It's a friendly conversation, with no strings attached.

I created a free worksheet to help people figure out their core values and how to apply them in their every day life.


Thanks for reading! I look forward to seeing you next time.

With so much gratitude,


A Coaching Session: Parents + Bedtime = Anger, Resentment, Guilt, Exhaustion…


Want vs Need…