My Word/Feeling For 2023 Is…
I’m wishing I were still here… in Hawaii.
Welcome back, I'm happy you're here.
Happy New Year! I hope this first week has been off to a great start!
Would you like to know my word for 2023?
It's actually more of a theme…
Inner Peace & Freedom
I had a profound revelation recently… I am free. (I don't say this lightly.)
In an attempt to keep things kosher, let's say I was meditating when I had this epiphany.
With my eyes closed, I had visions of countless people who were not free.
People who were either slaves or felt like slaves within their own lives.
People who were living their life to meet someone else's expectations and feared living a life that made them happy. (I had recently watched the show 'Kindred' and my meditation may have been influenced by that.)
It was challenging being a witness to these people and their struggles. And at the same time, I realized this is how I feel.
I opened my eyes (literally) and focused on a painting I have hanging. This painting captures everything I want to feel. (See below for image.)
I saw the painting and thought “I am free.”
I have felt like a prisoner in my own life. All by my own doing.
I was creating challenges and struggles that weren't necessary.
It was my way of staying safe.
It was my way of avoiding disappointment or rejection.
I often hear myself say “Why do I make my life harder than it needs to be?”
This reminds me of author and life coach Martha Beck, who says that we know something aligns with our destiny, or soul's purpose, if it makes us feel free. In Steering by Starlight, she uses the imagery of shackles to help explain what she means.
“Think of any activity, person, place, or situation in your life. Does it make you feel like you have shackles on? In other words, do you feel trapped and obligated by it? Do you wish in your heart of hearts that you didn't have to deal with it?
If your answer is yes, it feels like shackles on, then this activity, object, job, person, place, whatever, is not serving your highest good.”
This is a helpful tool and visual for me when applying and embracing the word Free to my everyday experiences.
Inner peace, a distant cousin to feeling free, makes me think of my migraines. Sometimes I wait until the pain is unbearable before taking the strong meds. In my defense, my meds are pure caffeine and if I take it too late in the day, I'll be up all night. I'd rather be in pain than sleep deprived… but that's just me.
This morning I woke up with a throbbing headache. Inner peace reminded me to start with the stronger meds instead of hoping Aleve will do the job.
I'm done making my life harder than it needs to be.
I'm done torturing myself for no reason.
I choose inner peace and freedom!
I'm releasing myself from the prison I put myself in.
My invitation for you:
Where are you making life harder than it needs to be?
What are you doing out of obligation, that feels like a shackles on experience?
How can you make life a little easier?
My spiritual journey started over ten years ago and it's been a daily practice of listening to what I want and honoring that.
My friend, are you done making life harder than it needs to be? Are you done having your days filled with obligations that don't feed your soul?
Do you want inner peace and freedom?
Let me be your guide.
Schedule time to connect with me here.
Bring all your questions and curiosities to the call, it's free.
Thanks for reading! I look forward to seeing you next time.
With so much gratitude,
Embracing this feeling in 2023!
Artist- Marta Solaz