Instead Of Resolutions, I Do This…
Welcome back, I'm happy you're here.
The gift-giving holidays of Christmas and Hanukkah are over and the New Year is on the horizon.
Right now you might be soaking up more vacation time,
more family time,
more TV watching time,
more avoiding time…
Avoiding what the first of the year represents, when some of us decide it's a good day to start all our new goals.
I set minimal intentions for the year.
My main focus is picking a word.
This word gives me something to focus on for the year, something I'd like more of, something I'd like to cultivate or embrace.
I allow room for compassion and forgiveness for my imperfection when easing into my new word… and in 2020 I had to reevaluate.
2020 my word was connect…
you remember what happened in March 2020.
I searched for different ways of connecting…
Connecting to people (virtually and from a distance),
Connecting to nature and
Connecting to myself.
2021 my word was surrender.
Through the process of freezing my eggs, I realized there is VERY little I can control. I chose this word to help me embrace and accept whatever the universe has planned for me. When I find myself trying to control something or force situations to go in my favor, I whisper to myself 'surrender!'
My words have helped me immensely.
In the past, when I abandoned my resolutions, I'd feel shame, discouraged and ultimately give up.
Giving myself an entire year to embody this word, gives me time to baby step my way through. When I find myself spinning and lost inside my head, I'm grateful for the reminders to come back to my word.
In meditation it's normal for our minds to wander. The idea is to avoid judging it, remembering to come back to our breath.
It's easy to want to quit or throw in the towel at the first moment of defeat. This is where the work is, going back to your intention and starting where you left off.
Joey do you feel the same pressure I do when thinking of creating a list of goals, attempting to start them all on the same day and assume you'll maintain said goals for the rest of your life? This is the first time I truly let myself see the absurdity of it. But that's just me.
I'm on the fence about my word for 2023. I'm considering a few and I trust the right one will claim itself at the right time.
My invitation for you:
Bring to mind this last year:
What worked?
What didn't work?
What would you do differently?
If you were to pick a word for 2023, what might it be?
I want to set you up for success!
When creating goals, it helps to be specific.
If your goal/resolution or word is to be more healthy, it would help to define what that means. Is it eliminating or adding specific foods or exercising more (specific amount of time.) When I'm vague, it's easy to 'cheat.'
Rewarding yourself can be motivating. Maybe you get to watch your show while riding the stationary bike, scroll social media (for 10 mins) after you write for an hour, or insert favorite guilty pleasure after you accomplish the goal. (I do this for myself all the time… I GET to watch my show after I write this newsletter. I can procrastinate all I want, but watching my show isn't available.)
What goals or resolutions are you wanting support with?
I'm here to help you succeed in all that you intend to accomplish in 2023!
Wishing an abundance of abundance
to you and your loved ones!
Happy New Year!
You can schedule a time to connect with me here.
It's a friendly conversation or you can vent about x,y and z.
Thanks for reading! I look forward to seeing you next time.
With so much gratitude,
Extra gratitude for making it this far!