I’ve Started Asking For Help Because I Have No Idea What I’m Doing!
I have a secret to tell you…
I have no idea what I’m doing in this game called life.
This is me attempting to hide!
Welcome back, I'm happy you're here.
I've been pretending (my entire life) that I have it “all figured out.”
I'm just now acknowledging I don't.
I value honesty and I've been subconsciously lying to myself and others. In her book 'The Way of Integrity' Martha Beck talks about how she dedicated a year to only telling the truth. This is my new goal, one day at a time, starting with being honest with myself.
Starting a business and keeping it lucrative/afloat is hard.
I honestly never wanted to be the one "in charge.”
I've hit a wall. I'm feeling stuck in a few areas of my life.
In the past, I wouldn't reach out for help until I'd exhausted all my resources on my own. Asking for help was a last resort, when forced to see I was driving myself crazy, trying to figure it out on my own.
I've been feeling stuck in my business for quite a few months.
It feels stagnant.
I'm frustrated.
It's not fun.
While I attempted to figure out this mystery on my own, I eventually reached out for help, eons before my breaking point.
Something has shifted.
I ask for help.
I can now say “I don't know how to do this, can you help me.”
I had an epiphany.
In my marketing, I found myself cautiously saying “I help people who…” knowing that the word “help” doesn't sit well with everyone.
I swapped 'help' for 'support.'
Ten years ago, if someone offered to help me, I would have laughed in their face and said “I don't need your help.” (For the record, I wouldn't have laughed in their face.)
That changed.
I'm asking for help.
I'm telling people “I'm stuck and I would love assistance in being unstuck.”
Oh yes, back to the epiphany.
I'm bringing back to my marketing “I help people who…”
My ideal clients know they want help.
They don't need me to tiptoe around that word.
They are ready for a transformative shift in their life.
They know they are in quicksand and what they are doing isn't working.
They're curious how I can help, support and hold space.
We have all been stuck in one way or another in our lives. It's not fun. It's also hard to not spiral, fearing how long we'll be in this stagnation. It's normal to hope it'll eventually pass. These are the moments of growth. When willing, we are being asked to step outside of our comfort zone and try something new.
If you're wondering… thankfully my stuck energy seems to be moving, ever so slowly.
What kinds of help have I received?
Ketamine (yes, the horse tranquilizer. It's legal.)
Hypnosis and EFT tapping
Sitting in the discomfort (something I had never done before.)
For those who love to play matchmaker, my ideal client is:
Overachieving women and mothers, who are so busy taking care of everyone else, there is no time left in the day or people they trust to take care of them. They are burnt out and have zero time for their hobbies. They are done trying to prove themselves and are ready to enjoy life, doing all the things that keep getting pushed to “when I have time.” They are eager to find their voice, feeling confident saying no to things they don't want to do! They want more fulfilling relationships with the people in their lives.
Coaching changed my life and I want to inspire others, who are feeling stuck and defeated, that there is another route. A more enjoyable route!
My invitation for you:
Write down a few things you loved doing as a child.
Make time today (you choose how much time) to do something that has no agenda but to to bring you joy.
Reply to this emailing sharing things you loved doing as a child and/or the activity that brought you intentional joy today.
As a kid, I loved rolling down the “hill” at the La Brea Tar Pits.
And I loved sledding (but I still hate the cold.)
I loved this Glennon Doyle podcast episode: HELP: How To Ask For The Help You Need. I resonated so much with everything they were saying. I'm curious who you identify with.
My friend, are you done pretending you have it all figured out?
Have you spent your life taking care of others, maybe you've forgotten how to take care of yourself, or how to let others take care of you?
Let me be that person for you.
I will hold space and take good care of your mind, body and soul!
My friend, you can schedule a curiosity here.
It's a friendly conversation, let's get curious together.
Thanks for reading! I look forward to seeing you next time.
With so much gratitude,
Extra gratitude for making it this far!