How I became more successful with less money!
Welcome back, I'm happy you're here.
“People think they are seeking success but what they really desire is fulfillment” - Dean Griffith
I was one of those “people.”
This is my journey.
But first, let's lay some foundation.
“Success is primarily defined by external measures - how much money you make, your rank in the company, and the respect accorded you by your peers. Being successful seemingly always involves being measured against others.”
“Fulfillment, unlike success, is largely defined by internal measures, by how we feel about what we're doing or have done.”
“Fulfillment comes from the drive to discover and live a sense of meaning, from answering the questions Who am I? Why am I here?The larger point he [Viktor Frankl] left us with was this: There are people all around us who are in pain. They are in pain because they are putting all their energy into being successful and they are not getting- as a reward- the feelings they want. They don't know what to do because they believe that the game is solely about success; they don't realize that success is only part of the equation.”
Quotes from: Play to Win! Choosing Growth Over Fear in Work and Life by: Larry Wilson and Hersch Wilson.
How it began…
My first career- Making TV commercials
Growing up, there was constant filming in my neighborhood. I was intrigued. With no clue as to what they were doing, I knew I wanted to be a part of the action (no pun intended). My curiosity got me in the door, the pay kept me in the business for ten years. I was good at my job, always in demand, which is a blessing in the freelance world. I was successful at being a workaholic, making money and having no social life. After ten, fun, long, painful years, I realized this life wasn't fulfilling.
My second career- Preschool Teacher
When I learned a full bank account wasn't my answer to a meaningful life, I made a major pivot. I followed my long ignored, life passion of working with children. Why did I ignore it? Because teachers aren't paid well. Good thing I was done taking jobs for the money. My first week, smiling, I said “They are paying me to play with kids!” My heart was full, which I now realize is more important than a full bank account. I was enjoying this new sense of fulfillment, but I wasn't feeling successful.
My new definition of being successful - Big and little achievements, the pride that comes with stepping outside of my comfort zone, trying something new and learning from that experience, getting my needs met and helping others.
How it's going…
My third and current career- Life Coach / Clarity Coach…
This weekend I was stopped by a young man canvassing for a non-profit. Long story short, it came up that I'm a coach. He jokingly said “You can donate to this organization or you can coach me…” After he shared his conundrum, I helped him see that he knew what his next steps were. Our ten minute interaction was successful (he got clarity) and fulfilling for me; I felt important and valuable. I love what I do. With a smile on my face I think “People pay me to hold space for them!"
My invitation for you:
Bring to mind your life…
What is your definition of success?
According to your definition, are you successful?
How has your definition changed since reading this?
One a scale of 1-10 (1 being not at all) How fulfilled are you?
What would more fulfillment look like?
Sometimes our priorities get off balance. We get hyper focused on what society thinks we should do, we feel the need to keep up our image… “what would they think if I …,” we feel the pressure to please our family, our partner, our children. Life can be exhausting when we are living our life for everyone else.
This doesn't have to be your life.
Are you ready for a more fulfilling life?
I care deeply for people who are ready and excited to live life on their terms! The people who want to wake up with a smile on their face!
Is this you?
Your future self will thank you.
Do you have questions about intuitive readings, coaching, what Joey is short for, what my favorite color is or anything else?
You can schedule a curiosity here.
Let's get curious together.
I'd love to learn something about you.
Thanks for reading! I look forward to seeing you next time.
With so much gratitude,
Loving life at one of my favorite beaches!