How to lean in and embrace the discomfort.
Welcome back, I'm happy you're here.
I used to be a pessimist.
That wasn't working.
Now I'm an optimist.
I always look for the blessing, the silver lining in every situation. Especially when something makes me mad, sad or uncomfortable.
I truly believe that the Universe (God, Source, Higher Self…) only wants the best for me. When I let go of the rice, pure magic begins to happen. (Letting go of the rice.)
Last December I told a client that the Universe only gives us gifts, and we get to choose if the gift is from Santa or the Grinch.
I see every person and opportunity as a learning experience. I don't believe in coincidences. I believe everything happens for a reason. My very active mind now wants to figure out the reason.
In the past I judged the ebbs and flows of my life, wishing I was further along, and that life was easier. I tried to control my circumstances (gripped the rice) and lacked trust in the Universe.
That behavior is shifting. I've become more patient with things as they are.
As a coach, there have been months in which I've had a handful of clients and months with zero clients. In my down months, I wondered what was wrong with me, I wondered why I didn't I have any clients. I made it personal, thinking there was something wrong with me.
I asked myself, if the Universe only gives me gifts, how can I see this down time as a gift. I released the need to judge the wide open schedule and my coaching abilities. It wasn't bad and it didn't mean there was anything wrong with me.
I leaned in.
I got curious.
I no longer wonder what is wrong with me when I'm single. I am the same awesome person single or partnered, like I am the same awesome coach with or without clients.
I'm learning to embrace the discomfort of the unknown, and acknowledge it is part of the journey. I'm learning to appreciate the present moment, to slow down, and enjoy even the hard places.
I reminded myself that when I have a wait list, I'll wish that I had appreciated the down time more.
Is the grass always greener on the other side?
Why is it hard to be here now?
Why do we prefer to focus on what's next?
How can we appreciate the present moment?
This time is strengthening me and my coaching, helping me understand life isn't a race to the finish line. Life is about being in the moment, loving exactly where we are. Accepting my discomfort gives me compassion for my clients in the midst of their own discomfort.
All all we have is now.
11 years ago I was having health issues that stumped every doctor and healer. This experience is what catapulted my spiritual journey. For eight months I was in the thick of it, full of anger and frustration, and I couldn't see the blessing. Now, on the other side, I am beyond grateful. I wouldn't be who I am today without that experience.
My invitation for you:
Bring to mind a challenging situation you find yourself in.
What would it take for you to lean in and get curious?
What can you learn about yourself?
What would you tell a friend in the same situation?
What is one gift from that situation?
While COVID has been challenging in so many ways, here are some of my silver lining gifts.
I started walking in and enjoying my neighborhood.
I read a lot of books.
I made my photo album for my trip to Tanzania in 2013.
I became a YouTube star to a handful of preschool children.
Are you ready to enjoy the journey?
Are you ready to see all the gifts the Universe has for you?
Schedule a free curiosity call to find out more.
Your future self will thank you!
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Thanks for reading! I look forward to seeing you next time.
With so much gratitude,