A Coaching Session: Taking Control
We've been invited to listen in on a coaching session!
Client: I'm feeling stressed out.
Joey: What do you think is causing your stress?
Client: We just sold our condo. There is a week where we wont have anywhere to live before we can move into our new condo. I'm worried about the girls falling behind in school.
Joey: That does sound stressful. On top of having to pack, move and find somewhere to stay for a week, you also have your girls to think about.
Client: Totally. I'm feeling overwhelmed with managing all the logistics but for some reason I'm the most stressed about them getting their homework done every night.
Joey: You obviously care very much about their education.
Client: I do.
Joey: What are you worried will happen if they don't get their homework done?
Client: I'm afraid they'll fall behind in school and won't be able to catch up again. It'll be a constant uphill battle until they graduate.
Joey: It makes sense you're so stressed. With your girls still in elementary school, it sounds like you're worried this one week will determine if they get into a good college.
Client: Yes. I know, I sound crazy.
Joey: It's not crazy at all. It's how you feel. Why do you think this week will have an impact on their homework?
Client: They work well with structure. We have a great routine and I'm worried if we mess with that, they won't be able to focus on their homework.
Joey: Knowing your concerns and knowing what the girls need, you're in a great position to pre plan, to alleviate some of this stress.
Client: What do you mean?
Joey: How can you ensure the girls can maintain as much of their routine as possible in that in between week?
Client: Initially I was thinking we'd stay at my sister's house. As fun as it would be, they love their cousins so much, I think it would be smarter to look for an airbnb. We can have our own space, no distractions and stick to our schedule as best as possible.
Joey: That sounds like a great idea. Thinking about that, how stressed are you feeling?
Client: I feel a lot better!
Joey: When we know what we're worried about, it makes it easier for us to plan around that. To avoid your girls falling behind in their work, you came up with a plan.
Client: I feel like I have more control of the situation. Thank you!
My neighbors got a puppy. I get to borrow her during the day!
My friend has a few people in her life who like to overshare.
She mentioned how exhausting it is, because she doesn't have the bandwidth or space in her head to take all that information in. She wants them to get to the point, the part of the story that matters/is relevant to her. She doesn't want to hear all the little details. She asked for suggestions on what to do, to avoid being rude or checking out.
I told her she can preplan with them.
"Let them know it's hard for you to take in all the information they want to share with you. It's not that you don't care, it's that you don't have the capacity. Maybe come up with a code word, or gesture, to let them know, kindly, to skip to the part that applies to you.
You're preplanning with them what to do, when you're wanting to connect with your friend, but also find yourself getting frustrated or wanting to check out."
I did remind her, some people like to share stories from their day, without having a point. That's how they like to connect.
My invitation for you, Joey:
Bring to mind a past event that had you stressed or worried:
How could you have preplanned, to make it less stressful?
What could you have delegated (now being on this side of the event?)
How would you respond today with your new awareness?
My friend, are you ready to feel more confident and less stressed?
You can schedule a curiosity call here.
It's a friendly conversation, with no strings attached.
I created a free worksheet to help people figure out their core values and how to apply them in their every day life.
Thanks for reading! I look forward to seeing you next time.
With so much gratitude,