Not Making A Decision… Was The Best Decision I Could Make
I hate buying a car!
I love the idea of getting a new car, but I'm not enjoying the process. These guys are so slimy, manipulative and shamelessly lying.
Where are the honest car sales people?
I'll happily over pay for a car from an honest seller!
I almost bought two different cars on Saturday.
They both looked perfect, in the moment.
Or maybe I wanted them to be perfect because I wanted the car shopping experience to be over as quickly as possible?
I've been looking online for a few weeks, narrowing down my options.
I figured I'd dedicate the weekend to test drive a few, check them out in IRL (in real life.)
Once I set my mind on something, there's no stopping me. I was determined to buy a car by the end of the weekend.
I added extra pressure to the search that wasn't necessary or helpful.
Pressure number one- A false sense of urgency! I can use my moms car for another month, so I'm actually not in any rush. (I can't remember if I told you, but I sold my car. It was time we started seeing other people.)
I headed south on the 405 towards Irvine, where I fell in love with my first car, but they wouldn't budge on the price. It felt good walking away and not giving in to their “this is as low as we can go”. I knew they were desperate to sell it and that they'd probably call me. I was right, Danny, my sales guy called me six times before I made it back to Santa Monica, eventually agreeing to my price. At that point my love for that car had worn off or maybe it was his desperation and tactics that were a turn off.
Decompressing. Recharging. I did a lot of this on Sunday.
Hours later and much closer to home, I think I've found my car! I later realized I would have been settling if I bought it. I liked it a lot, but I didn't love it. I had been on the hunt for hours, in two different counties and I just wanted to be done. We agreed on a price. They started the paperwork but I forgot I have a freeze on my credit. I did know my password and had to go home to unlock the freeze. A blessing in disguise.
Saturday was my sister's birthday. She's also in between cars.
Pressure number two- Buy a car so my sister can use my moms. I added another sense of urgency to make my sister happy… but it was stressing me out.
I got home to unlock the freeze, which took some time to figure out because apparently I did it through a third party. That time away from the almost perfect car and the overly eager sales guys gave me a minute to breathe.
I realized I didn't have to make a decision in that moment. At this point it's already 5:30p. I went to my weekly breathwork and had a realization-
I have all the control.
I hold all the power!
In the past I would have caved and bought one of those cars for a few reasons:
Fear that I wouldn't find a “better” car.
To check this off my list and be done with it.
Fear of being an ass for wasting their time and not buying.
With this new epiphany and remembering that I am in no rush and I can take my time, I started to trust that the perfect car for me will show up. The perfect car, at the perfect price, being sold by an honest person is on its way to me.
A weight was lifted.
No more urgency.
No more trying to accommodate everyone else.
I am doing this on my time, at my pace.
While I was spiraling, feeling stressed, exhausted, hungry and drained, I remembered my word for the year, inner peace.
Walk away.
Gratitude for my moms car.
That brought me back to inner peace.
I remembered I'm great at manifesting when I release the need to control the outcome (in this case the timing.) Trust!
Am I alone or do you also add unnecessary pressure to an already unenjoyable task?
My invitation for you:
Bring to mind a time you felt pressured:
Where or who was the pressure coming from?
If you gave into the pressure, how did you feel after the fact?
If you could do it all over again, what would you do differently?
How could you step away from the situation to refocus on what's most important?
Finding a car I love is more important than scratching it off the list!
My friend, are you ready to release the pressures weighing you down?
You can schedule a curiosity call here.
It's a friendly conversation, with no strings attached.
I created a free worksheet to help people figure out their core values and how to apply them in their every day life.
Thanks for reading! I look forward to seeing you next time.
With so much gratitude,