I Tried Ignoring My Intuition…
I'm supposed to be in Montana right now.
I'm not.
I'm home, fighting/embracing a cold.
I rarely get sick.
Maybe a head cold once a year.
My closest friend from high school moved to Whitefish, MT a few years ago. Her house is on the lake with a dock, surrounded by gorgeous nature. I haven't seen her in a few years. I really wanted to go.
You can imagine my frustration when I had to cancel.
WTF Universe?
My flight was scheduled for Monday morning, 5:30a.
I stayed in bed all day Sunday, hoping with enough rest and fluids, I'd be golden by morning. And yet, there was this tiny little knowing that I shouldn't or wouldn't be going.
I continued to ignore it.
I was determined to get to Montana.
I was willing myself to be better.
When I'm having a hard time trusting my intuition (which was saying “don't go”), I ask for guidance from my guides/the universe. I ask to be shown a specific thing by a certain time to get confirmation.
Around 4p on Sunday, I decided it couldn't hurt.
“Please show me a turtle before 9p tonight if it's for the highest and greatest good that I don't fly tomorrow morning.”
I made it almost impossible to see a turtle, that's how badly I wanted to go. (When I ask to see an animal, it includes reading the word or hearing someone else say it.)
Fast forward 45 minutes when I get a video message from a friend, who I haven't heard from in weeks. The minute the video starts playing, I start laughing.
She's wearing a shirt with a turtle on it!
I asked for a sign and I got it, faster than I imagined.
For whatever reason I wasn't supposed to go to Montana and it was hard to accept that. Yes I was sick, but of all the weeks to get sick, I chose this one?!?
Where I want to be, sitting on her dock.
Maybe I'll find out why this wasn't the best week to visit her. Maybe I won't?
Either way, I feel better about my decision, especially when I woke up and my ear was hurting. That would have been a brutal flight.
Of course I could have ignored the sign and flown to Montana. I'll never know what that outcome looks like.
But I do know the few times I ignored my intuition, I immediately regretted it.
I'm on the mend but sadly flights for the rest of the week are insane.
Thanks Labor Day!
I thought I was good at trusting my intuition, but it's hard when it's suggesting the opposite of what I want.
When we want something to work in our favor, sometimes we have tunnel vision, hyper focused on controlling the outcome.
We have a hard time seeing alternative options.
We have a hard time surrendering to the process.
We have a hard time accepting feedback or support.
I'm constantly reminding myself that when we let go and trust the process, releasing the need for control, we leave room for the magic to happen!
My invitation for you:
Bring to mind a time your gut/intuition was speaking to you:
How did you respond?
How many times have you ignored your gut and kicked yourself later?
What would it take of you to start trusting your gut/intuitive hits more?
My friend, are you ready to trust yourself more?
You can schedule a curiosity call here.
It's a friendly conversation, with no strings attached.
I created a free worksheet to help people figure out their core values and how to apply them in their every day life.
Thanks for reading! I look forward to seeing you next time.
With so much gratitude,