That Time I Ignored My Intuition And It Backfired!
Welcome back, I'm happy you're here.
Have you ever had an intuitive hit, but you ignored it and it backfired?!?
No… just me? It's times like this that encourage me to trust it more (being on the other side.)
I was digitally introduced to another coach, with the intention of seeing how we might help each other. He gave me three times he was available to connect. I chose Monday at 3p.
A day before our call I had the hit (what I call my intuitive nudges) to visit his website. Something felt off. I got the impression we would not be beneficial to each other. I ignored my hit to cancel.
Monday at 3p I picked up the phone to call him. It goes straight to voicemail. Quickly, I suss out 1) do I hang up and try again or 2) leave a message? I went with door number one and called back.
He picked up this time. Success.
What I didn't anticipate was that he'd be driving and somewhat distracted on our call. I saw it as unprofessional. (For the record, had I known his only available times were while he was driving, then that's a different story.) Within the first minute of our call, everything in me was confirming I should have canceled. Live and learn.
I made the most of those 14 minutes and then thanked him for his time, wished him a great afternoon and I hung up.
In the past I would have stayed on longer, for the fear of being rude and cutting the call short. I'm done worrying about what other people 'might' think about me and my actions. My time and peace of mind are more important.
When we put our needs (and intuitive hits) aside, to keep others happy, we become resentful, frustrated, overwhelmed, depleted and… (fill in the blank.) When we don't reclaim our time, it's easy to say they were wasting it. In my case, had I let him decide how long the call would be, I was giving him the power. In the past, I would have said I was angry and frustrated at him when I now can acknowledge I was angry and frustrated at myself for not ending it sooner.
I am done giving away my power (or thinking I have zero control over my time and peace of mind.)
Well this took an unexpected turn. I wrote this in two parts, initially thinking I'd only be talking about trusting our intuition. When I sat down this morning to wrap it up, the anger and resentment really wanted to be heard. I'm trusting my intuition in keeping it here, thinking maybe you, Joey, have some pent up anger, resentment or frustration that needs to be released or at the very least, acknowledged.
I shared a memory from my past, when my boss put me in an uncomfortable position. I get angry and sad for the Joey that didn't feel comfortable or safe saying no. I use these kinds of memories to empower myself in future situations. The resentment I carried for over 10 years wasn't worth it. I'll take a little discomfort in setting boundaries any day!
My friend, are you ready to reclaim your time, release the weight of your resentments or trust your intuition more? I can definitely help you!
You can schedule a curiosity call here.
It's a friendly conversation, with no strings attached.
Hail, in a succulent, in Santa Monica!
My invitation for you:
Bring to mind someone you’re resenting or frustrated with:
What did THEY do to YOU?
What can YOU do now, to reclaim your power/control?
If the resentment and anger are affecting your life, how much longer would you like to hold on to them?
I created a free worksheet to help people figure out their core values and how to apply them in their every day life.
Thanks for reading! I look forward to seeing you next time.
With so much gratitude,
What it looks and feels like when I reclaim my time and power!